Friday, October 29, 2010

Kawalan Kehormatan sempena Konvokesyen ke-5 UMP..

Pada 9 Oktober 2010 berlangsungnya Konvokesyen ke-5 UMP.Konvokesyen ini berlangsung selama 2 hari iaitu pada 9 dan 10 Oktober 2010. Pada pagi 9 Oktober 2010 sebagai pembuka majlis Konvokesyen Ke-5, Kor Sukarelawan Siswa Siswi(Kor SUKSIS) UMP telah diberi penghormatan dalam melaksanakan Kawalan Kehormatan bagi menyambut ketibaan K.D.Y.T.M Tengku Mahkota Pahang ke Universiti Malaysia Pahang. Seramai 52 anggota terlibat dalam menjayakan Kawalan Kehormatan ini.

Latihan susulan bagi Kawalan Kehormatan ini dijalankan selama hampir 2 minggu tanpa mengira cuaca bagi memastikan kekemasan pergerakan kawad. Semangat yang tinggi yang ditunjukkan oleh setiap anggota sama ada terlibat atau tidak pada hari kejadian amat membanggakan jurulatih. Dalam menjalani latihan ini, kemesraan dan hubungan antara anggota dengan anggota dan anggota dengan jurulatih tanpa mengira bangsa dan agama semakin bertambah kuat. Latihan yang diberikan adalah sama rata tanpa mengira bangsa dan agama. Kerjasama dan semangat adalah penting dalam pasukan Kor Suksis ini.

Analysis of survey form (NEP)

This analysis is about the survey on National Education Policy among UMP’s students. The objectives of this survey are to investigate the level of respondents’ knowledge about the policy and how far NEP give benefit for future in students UMP. This survey was designed by using the survey form at and attached at the blog. The respondents consist of 10 males and 10 females.

Figure 1

Figure 1 shown that 55% UMP students know about National Education Policy(NEP). This is because they love to know and learn about Policy of Malaysia.They not only learn about engineering, but they also taking care about isues in Malaysia. Other 45% UMP students did not know about NEP. This is because they did not love to read and only taking care about their study.

Figure 2

Figure 2 shows that 65% UMP students agree that science and mathematic should be teach in english. This is because they think that english is an important language and all students should love and feel free to learn and speak english. Another 35% UMP students did not agree that science and mathematic should be teach in english. This is because they have high patriotisme spirit. They know that Bahasa Melayu is a national languages, so we need to use Bahasa Melayu as a formal language.

Figure 3

Figure 3 shown that 85% UMP students did not agree to terminate UPSR and PMR. This is because, they know that UPSR and PMR is the only way to evaluate students and that examination will determine that student can further their study in what type of school. While 15% of UMP students agree to terminate UPSR and PMR because they cannot do well in that examination in their past.

Figure 4

Figure 4 shows that 70% UMP students said that it is not fair if intelligent student but their family is rich, they cannot further their study in Boarding School. This is because Boarding school is for every intelligent student, either their are from rich family or not, but students from poor family will have the priority. Another 30% UMP students that say yes because they feel that rich people can send their children to other establish private school.

Figure 5

From Figure 5, we know that 55% UMP students agree that NEP encourage Malaysian to unite. This is because there is a quota for every races in Malaysia in all places such as school or university. Another 45% did not agree that NEP encourage Malaysian to unite because there are some people who are not satisfied with some of the implementation of this policy.

Figure 6

Figure 6 shows that 55% agree that operation of Vernacular School should be stoopped because they feel that Malaysian cannot unite if Malaysia still have Vernacular School. Another 45% did not agree that operation of Vernacular School should be stopped because they worried that speciality of each races in Malaysia will fade if there is only one school for every races in Malaysia.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Monday, October 18, 2010

Dasar Pendidikan Kebangsaan

Dasar Pendidikan Kebangsaan (DPK) - National Education Policy (NEP)


1. Menyatukan kanak-kanak sekolah daripada pelbagai kaum dan menyediakan tenaga kerja yang mencukupi untuk tujuan pembangunan negara (Digariskan dalam Penyata Razak- 1956)

2. Menggalakkan perkembangan sosial, ekonomi, politik dan kebudayaan (Akta Pelajaran - 1961)

3. Membantu melahirkan tenaga kerja terlatih untuk jangka pendek dan panjang, bersatu dan berdisplin

4. Mewujudkan sistem pendidikan yang lebih berkualiti dan bertaraf antarabangsa.

5. Memastikan sistem pendidikan berupaya menangani perkembangan sains dan
teknologi semasa.

Penyata Razak (1956)

1. Menteri Pelajaran ketika itu Y.B. Dato’ Tun Abdul Razak Hussein menubuhkan Jawatankuasa Pelajaran dan mengesyorkan beberapa perubahan dalam sistem pendidikan dan laporan ini dikenali sebagai Penyata Razak(1956).

2. Cadangan-cadangan dalam penyataan tersebut telah dimaktubkan dalam Ordinan Pelajaran 1957.

3. Tujuan Penyata Razak adalah:

a. menjadikan Bahasa Melayu sebagai Bahasa Kebangsaan, bahasa perpaduan dan bahasa pengantar di sekolah.

b.Mengeratkan perpaduan antara kaum Melayu, Cina dan India sebagai satu rumpun bangsa di Tanah Melayu.

c. Mengembangkan sistem pendidikan agar jurang perbezaan antara kaum dapat dikurangkan.

d. Menyediakan kemudahan pendidikan yang mencukupi untuk melahirkan masyarakat yang berdisplin, terlatih, liberal dan progresif.

e. Mewujudkan sistem pengurusan pendidikan yang lebih cekap dan berkesan.

f. Memenuhi keperluan negara yang merdeka dan memperkembangan sistem pendidikan.

Laporan Rahman Talib (1960) /Akta Pelajaran 1961

Di antara beberapa perubahan dan pindaan yang dibuat dari Laporan Razak yang dikenali dengan Laporan Rahman Talib ialah:

1. Pelajaran di sekolah rendah adalah percuma.
2. Sekolah rendah menjadi sekolah kebangsaan dan jenis kebangsaan.
3. Sekolah pelajaran lanjutan merupakan persekolahan hingga umur 15 tahun.
4. Murid naik darjah secara automatic.
5. Pelajaran agama Islam bagi murid-murid hendaklah sekurang-kurannya 15 orang.
6. Pendidikan akhlak dititikberatkan.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Crossword Puzzle

The question based on Colonial Period in perspective of politics, economy and social.

We hope your are enjoy in solving the crossword puzzle below!

  • klik here...answer
  • Activities in the ER class

    The activities we had done:

    1. Word Search
    -find 12 words from the bacis concepts of ethnic relations

    2. Write Dialogue
    -based on the cartoons that given

    3. Comics
    -create own comic

    4. Drama
    -based on the create own comic

    5. Forum

    6. Crossword Puzzle

    7. Survey Online

    8. Project
    -movie maker

    Wednesday, July 28, 2010

    Task 2 : Comic

    Task 1: 12 Basic Concept of Ethnic Relations

    Definition of 12 basic concept of ethnic relations :

    Describes a change in individual or group identity that results from continuous social interaction between members of two groups such that members of one group (often a minority culture group) enter into and become a part of a second group (often a majority culture group). In this process of assimilation, the minority group or culture may disappear by losing its members to the larger and more dominant cultural group.

    A group of people who share common history, culture, ethnic origin and language, often possessing or seeking its own independent government.

    A condition in which numerous distinct ethnic, religious, or cultural groups are present and tolerated within a society.

    The belief that race accounts for differences in human character or ability and that a particular race is superior to others.

    A belief in the superiority of one's own ethnic group.

    6. Segregation
    A policy or practice of separating people of different races, classes, or ethnic groups, as in schools, housing, and public or commercial facilities, especially as a form of discrimination.

    The act of accommodating or the state of being accommodated; adjustment.

    An adverse judgment or opinion formed beforehand or without knowledge or examination of the facts.

    9. Discrimination
    The ability or power to see or make fine distinctions; discernment.

    10. Enculturation
    The adoption of the behavior patterns of the surrounding culture.

    11. Stereotype
    A conventional, formulaic, and oversimplified conception, opinion, or image.

    The process whereby the attitudes and/or behaviors of people from one culture are modified as a result of contact with a different culture.